Sunday, January 18, 2009

October 4, 1908

This is a very long, but interesting letter. Bessie is now in Mountain Grove, Missouri -- I assume teaching at the Children's Home. Clinton expresses his deep feelings for Bessie in regards to the possibility they might have had to end their engagement and asks her advice in regards to being summoned to serve on jury duty on the Sabbath, which is this case is Saturday. It sounds as if they managed to visit with one another on one occasion and Clinton is hopeful they will have the opportunity to see one another again soon.

Finally, the last portion of the letter is Clinton commenting on the current state of the world (as he knows it) with society becoming more Godless and women becoming more bold. Imagine what Clinton would have thought of today's world.

The envelope is addressed to...

Miss Bessie Barnhart
c/o Children's Home
Mountain Grove, Mo

Wright Co.


October 4, 1908
Hematite, Mo.

Miss Bessie Barnhart
Osceola, Mo.

Dear Sister:

Your good letter was received this morning and I was as usual glad to hear from you and that you had a safe journey.

Your letter was read with much plesure and appreciated in the greatest.

I notice you replied immediately; this also was appreciated.

It frosted here a little the morning of the 29th but injured nothing, but we have had cool nights ever since.

Yes, I understand that it is possible for our correspondence to be found out, as you said, but if you can keep it a secret by delaying to mail your reply I would rather you would do that than risk it being found out.

I am anxious to keep it a secret until the ceremony is over, if it is possible.

Not that I am ashamed of you or in order to deceive you or anyone else but for about the same reason that you have for desiring to keep it quiet.

You must ask Sister Ames to keep it a secret.

Perhaps she remembers having met me at Camp Meeting last year at Bro Somers' tent. I met Robert also and another boy and a little girl.

I am so glad that you have seen no reason to be disapproving of anything I have said and to have you express your desire to see and talk to me. May God help me to be worth of your affections and company.

Yes it is doubtful whether we could be as successful in keeping another visit a secret, as we were my first, last, and only visit; but no less aprreciated because of being the only one.

I am happy to have you say that you do not feel that you will ever regret the step you have taken that the thought of us having to cancel our engagement caused you sorrow.

I also was touched with sorrow when I wrote concerning such but I have not and cannot doubt the Lord's guidance. I am certain that he has given me unmistakable evidence of his approval and blesing, although he has permitted me to be disappointed in several ways.

Mother received a letter from Grandma today and from her letter we judge her to be worse than ever before.

My brother is still declining in health, he now weights about 40 lbs. less than when he was in his best health.

I will close for this time as it is 9:00 O'c and I must rise early in the morning (about 4:30).

Bessie I wish you would ask Bro and Sister Ames what they would do if they were summoned on a jury on the Sabbath. (7th day)

My reason in this I don't think we should serve on that day and I think that Mr. Davis who is constable (the man I have befriended and the man that has trusted me before others) will summon me through evil motives to serve that day.

My warrant for suspicioning such is this; his actions, words, and his grandaughter (Essie) said he said he would do it.

You have no idea how hateful a disposition he can manifest at times.

Give me all the advice you can and pray that I may stand firm and so live that God can use me to his glory.

I know that God will not forsake or leave me if I am faithful, and that man can do nothing contrary to his will.

My prayer is that I may be faithful under any and all circumstances any and everywhere.

I am very little alarmed, yet I know it is possible for him to do so, but not until he can get along without my helping him in his farm work.

Each day I can see more and more of Satan's influence among the people and realize that soon the winds of strife will blow.

Even the women are becoming bold, and immodest, and losing chasteness.

I will close hoping to hear from you soon as convenient.

I am still praying that I may have your company at the time appointed if it is God's Will.

"Hope thou in God."

I am ever yours affectionately and brother in Christ.

C.E. Rowe

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